It may seem crazy, but SOME film it is hard to pick out,, on others it is clear as day for me. I think like all...our eyes are focused on the President..Your eyes have to totally be on the Driver. I may have mistook the flash as his hand, but it is all there. I have been to the is not tough to imagine ANY gunshot noise rattling off and echoing all over the place. The shot coming from the Driver sounds a lot more plausible, than a rifle shot coming from the picket fence OR the storm drain, IN my opinion anyway.
I've seen the muzzle flash on the film...
It may seem crazy, but SOME film it is hard to pick out,, on others it is clear as day for me. I think like all...our eyes are focused on the President..Your eyes have to totally be on the Driver. I may have mistook the flash as his hand, but it is all there. I have been to the is not tough to imagine ANY gunshot noise rattling off and echoing all over the place. The shot coming from the Driver sounds a lot more plausible, than a rifle shot coming from the picket fence OR the storm drain, IN my opinion anyway.