Ailyn Carmona on LinkedIn: This is interesting. It touches on the united states corporation, nesara… | 26 comments
This is interesting. It touches on the united states corporation, nesara, gesara and a little bit of history. Perhaps a few things Trump did while in office… | 26 comments on LinkedIn
The US Dollar will be replaced the US Note.
Trump and the white hats confiscated the Rothschilds gold supply stored at the Vatican Bank to decentralize the global economy through giving portions of the confiscated gold to BRICS countries and the rest to back the US Note.
The segment of centralize banking that will still exist is the US Treasury in producing gold backed currency, ending usuray controlled currency (US Petro Dollar).
Trump also reduced global oil production by countering the attempted Saudi Royal Coup'd'etat at Mandalay Bay Las Vegas Casino which turned into the Mass shooting of the Country concert as a cover story for the hitman staying at the hotel to kill the current Saudi crown prince who was in Las Vegas.
Prince Alaweed and Saudi DS family members, that backed Obama and the 16 year plan to destroy the USA, were arrested and tortured in turn to reduce OPEC oil production so US could become the global oil net exporter during Trumps first term.
The HSBC docs look legit to me. No obvious signs of forgery. Is it HSBC because that’s where The Crown had stashed their funds? It does not appear to be funds from China since COVID happened in 2020 after this, but I believe Trump had mentioned something like $21 Trillion in reparations from Chy-na.
In your opinion will “reparations from China” be used as cover for the funds appearing out of nowhere to pay off the debt? Or will there be public disclosure of “seized cabal assets”?
HSBC is part of the DS central banking. Any bank that trades in US Dollar or any DS fiat currency is controlled by the DS.
China is part of BRICS.
Chinese reparations is cover optics for the normies for the Rothschilds gold confiscated.
Reparations is really a public awakening for the CCP going bankrupt and collapsing. Xi will use the BRICS currency to usher in capitalism to China since it is Gold Backed.
All BRICS nations control their own gold supply now.
The US dollar will be the last global reserve currency.