posted ago by IAMMEFORREAL ago by IAMMEFORREAL +73 / -0

It's getting dangerous to be a neo-commie, globalist toilet person.

But before we get into that, here are the World Economic Forum's (WEF) predictions plans for global domination, just in case you feel the urge to clown-slap some reality into your unemployed, lavender-haired, teste-phobic stain-in-law.

Please pay close attention to number five:

WEF Plan Number #5- "A billion people will be displaced by climate change. We'll have to do a better job of welcoming and integrating refugees."


The Nazis at the WEF are gavaging the third world into the West to destroy it. They are pretending it is due to "kly matt chainj" (I have to do that so this article isn't demonetized by the stool samples at Google who find the taste of Klaus Schwab's boots irresistible). We will call you a "racist" if you object to the systemic rape and violence the "refugees" are undeniably bringing. We will enact Draconian "hate speech" laws and imprison you if you dare speak out against the "asylum seekers" as they turn your nation into a crime-ridden honey bucket. Your social media will be monitored to make sure you comply. You may be thrown into a camp at will.

The truly disappointing aspect here is that, despite the WEF telling us exactly what they plan to do to enslave the entire world, most of the planet seems to have no idea what that glob of Nazi adipocere, Herr Schwab, is up to. But fortunately for we, the colonized hoi polloi, enough of us are on to the scheme of Dr. Evilpants, and the revolution has begun.
