An interesting topic of conversation came up over Thanksgiving. My sister is pretty savvy on what's going down. She's aware of the Cabal. She's hip on Q (or at least mostly aware of the Q story). I don't think she is fully aware of everything, but far more than most.
But she also is not a fan of Trump. She recognizes that most of what is said about him is a lie, but she just doesn't like him. She thinks he's a blowhard and overly divisive. I agree with her, but I've explained to her (albeit briefly) why I think both of those qualities are intentional. However, she doesn't care. She does however love RFK, Jr. She said she would vote for him in a heartbeat no matter what party flag he waves.
I thought about it, and I think RFK, Jr. could very likely be a unifying force, not to mention that there is both a sense of justice and closure to the effort of Q if he became President.
What do you think? What if RFK is the democrat nominee, or even an independent. Would you vote for him over Trump? Even if not, even if you think such a statement is sacrilegious, do you think he would be good for the country? Do you think he would be a unifying force? Do you think him as President would bring honest debate to the table on the "hot topics?" Do you think he would be able to put an end to the propaganda driven division (not by himself of course, but rather, as part of the Q plan)?
Of course, I don't know what The Plan is, and I don't think anything can change the course, but there are layers upon layers to The Plan, and there is nothing better than a surprise ending, especially one that feels like Justice. Who knows. Maybe RFK, Jr. IS The Plan.
What do you think of him as President for 2024?
I appreciate you taking the time to discuss your ideas on RFK in a non-attacking manner. I had started this post in the hopes to discuss something that I had noticed. It wasn't just in my conversation with my sister. I have been noticing certain patterns of ideas in many areas and wanted to discuss it. I was never intending to "push" RFK or "diminish" Trump, yet everyone seems to think that is what I was doing. I'm not sure where that idea came from, but it is what it is.
I think you are missing some important information, some of which is just what I was really trying to discuss, and who I think RFK really is (a controlled opposition agent). His particular stances are largely irrelevant, since I don't think they are really his, rather his stances are the rhetoric he is supposed to push as such an agent. I've outlined these ideas in other responses in this thread so I won't belabor it here.
I was talking about the Q plan, and potential subtleties within it; possible maneuvers based on an observation. There is nothing in what I said about "something I wanted," or that I thought was a "good idea." I just wanted thoughts on the idea of reducing divisiveness, and how it might facilitate leading into the GA, since that is the ultimate goal.
Despite some of his potential past stances (as an agent of controlled opposition), RFK sits in a unique position to potentially create a unification beyond what Trump can do. I just wanted to explore that idea. It seems it is impossible to do that here.
Oh well.
Thank you for your time to explain your thoughts . I think most people on here including me are a bit beat up from all thst has ha opened since Nov when the Dems stole the election . Then we kept thinking we were going to arrest them and take back our country and then J6 happened and s as ll the horror since . The demons have done so much and have tried so hard to destroy DJT these past few years I think most of us are trying to be loyal to him and attack any word that appears to go agaisnt him or his ability to take over what was and is rightfully his ,,, the control as in CNC of this country . The problem I have with anyone being President including RFK who I do like is ,,, we k ow 100 percent what DJT has done, he has showed us , we have examples of his work leadership . We can only hear what others will do once in , but no proof if this will take place . Everyone promises and then it’s crap all over again . I would like to see RFK with DJT together destroy the demons and repair this country … I was actually a bit pissed that he didn’t have Faucis position like was hinted back in 2019 . Had RFK been involved this country would not have been destroyed with NOVID or thd jabs , but the demons that be obviously had more power and control and we’re not going to allow tgst . I believe DJT’s hands were a bit tied last time and he was screwed by many who were not on his side , I believe he’s learned a lot since then .