I saw this reddit thread here: https://greatawakening.win/p/17rmA8JJuq/fun-stuff--watch-the-left-desper/c/ and decided to do something I haven't done in nearly a decade - formulate a reply to lefties that refuse to learn.
Why leftists think they are losing
The post hoc rationalisation and self deceptions going on in that thread is hilarious.
- It's the algos that are against us! - yeah. Cool story Bernie bros. Because FB and Google are so notoriously anti woke /sarc. Seriously, the algos are biased to your favour and have been for years. Over a decade at least.
- The right has all the power! - only if you define anything that is corporate or wealthy as right wing, which these days is far from reality.
- it's because socialism is really just misunderstood anti-monarchism! - ummm no. We tried your way for about 100 years in loads of countries. It ends with loads of dead people and total societal and economic collapse. Socialism is fundamentally anti capitalism, not just anti monarchy.
- people are just afraid of change! - no, people don't want a change that fundamentally is flawed and doomed to lead to literal hell. Good intentions make for a wonderful brimstone pavement. People are happy to take a change that adds value to their lives and the lives of those they care about, but not a change that adds only costs.
- we're underdogs and always will be! - you literally are controlling the establishment, the media, and corporate pressure throughout the west since the last US election. Dude, wake the hell up and pull your head out. You haven't been underdogs since probably at least the 90s to be frank.
- we are just disorganised! - this obviously is so tone deaf a response that it nearly gets filed under "I can't even" for me, but given the left has more ngos working to lobby and organise "grass roots" movements globally this is just a pretty lie for these losers.
- it's because capitalism! - what, you mean you need ideas that can compete? If that is what you meant than correct, but it's not. You meant the same thing as "the right has all the power" in that you presume all rich people are right wing, a fundamental categorisation failure. It ignores wealthy people like David Brock, rob reiner, every left wing politician on the take and benefiting from trading scams, and people like Soros.
- people lack critical thinking on why wokeism is correct! - no, this is projection. You are confusing critical thinking with critical theory, and fail to apply the former with consistency.
why the left is actually losing
To lefties everywhere, here is why you are losing. It is because you are on a foundation of sand, ideologically. You presumed there can be no real objective truth. You presume everything factual is relative, including biological facts on genetics. You have fundamentally flawed philosophical principles and always have, because your theories are based on feelings and not logic and empiricism. You forget that there is what you see and what is actually there, and if your lens of observation is flawed, the view of what is there will be flawed as well.
How lefties could change for the better (but we know they probably won't)
- Learn the trivium, and focus on logic.
- Read something on economic theory that isn't marxist or keynesian. I recommend F. A. Hayek and the road to serfdom, or perhaps watch some videos featuring Thomas Sowell.
- Learn the principles of biology as a physical science instead of a social one.
- Learn to understand that because we are individuals we cannot be all the same or just grouped into buckets, so the only system that can work is one which takes into account our individualism, namely capitalism.
- Learn that if you focus on privileges for minority groups over the negative rights of all, people will consider your opinion on what should be done as worthless.
- Perhaps most of all, learn some humility. Learn that maybe you could be fundamentally wrong and learn to accept failure. If you can't do that much, you won't grow.
I checked for it too (didn't see it either), and read some of the comments while I was there. Talk about cognitive dissonance gone off a cliff. Anyway, I wonder if it was posted, then removed by the leftist mods there.