My mistrust of the government came early and has ALWAYS been there, it is a constant because it is a condition of man's heart when faced with absolute power:
My first memory is the JFK Assassination, we knew the FBI/CIA killed him, everyone knew, it was the beginning of the decay in America. No one believed the Warren Report. To this day, files are still held secret.
Apollo moon landing was a lie, take a trip to Huntsville, AL space and Rocket Center and see first hand. That piece of tinfoil didn't fly anywhere. Ha, they think we're stupid.
Operation Paper Clip, bringing 2000 War Criminals to work in Defense and Aerospace.
MK ultra was carried out on innocent Americans, especially children by the CIA. Unspeakable acts of torture.
MANY Military experiments were carried out on our servicemen w/o consent using biological warfare chemicals. Our government is horrible.
American Prisoners Were used for Agent Orange experiments.
The suppression of herbal treatments, especially for children's cancer.
The Entire Vietnam War and the massacre of 500 unarmed civilians that the government considered collateral damage. Illegal cover ups.
Iran–Contra affair. More Illegal dealings and cover ups.
The killings at Ruby Ridge.
The massacre of David Koresh and the Branch Davidians in Waco, TX.
The depravity of the Franklin Child Prostitution Ring, my first introduction to Pedos and what they are capable of doing to the most innocent. Unforgivable.
The denial and cover up of Chemtrails.
The Clintons, pay to play and the IRS
The Bush family grift
Obama and his destruction of America while enriching himself
COVID-19 is not just a health and economic crisis. It’s a corruption crisis.
My mistrust of the government came early and has ALWAYS been there, it is a constant because it is a condition of man's heart when faced with absolute power:
My first memory is the JFK Assassination, we knew the FBI/CIA killed him, everyone knew, it was the beginning of the decay in America. No one believed the Warren Report. To this day, files are still held secret.
Apollo moon landing was a lie, take a trip to Huntsville, AL space and Rocket Center and see first hand. That piece of tinfoil didn't fly anywhere. Ha, they think we're stupid.
Operation Paper Clip, bringing 2000 War Criminals to work in Defense and Aerospace.
MK ultra was carried out on innocent Americans, especially children by the CIA. Unspeakable acts of torture.
MANY Military experiments were carried out on our servicemen w/o consent using biological warfare chemicals. Our government is horrible.
American Prisoners Were used for Agent Orange experiments.
The suppression of herbal treatments, especially for children's cancer.
The Entire Vietnam War and the massacre of 500 unarmed civilians that the government considered collateral damage. Illegal cover ups.
Iran–Contra affair. More Illegal dealings and cover ups.
The killings at Ruby Ridge.
The massacre of David Koresh and the Branch Davidians in Waco, TX.
The depravity of the Franklin Child Prostitution Ring, my first introduction to Pedos and what they are capable of doing to the most innocent. Unforgivable.
The denial and cover up of Chemtrails.
The Clintons, pay to play and the IRS
The Bush family grift
Obama and his destruction of America while enriching himself
COVID-19 is not just a health and economic crisis. It’s a corruption crisis.