(listen at 1.5 speed with clarity)
He touches on a multitude of subjects associated with SRA/Monarch Mind Control and various other topics. Use your own discretion in terms of topics.
He is very knowledgeable and lists an incredible number of resources to save:
Bloodlines of the Illuminati - Fritz Springmeier
Mass Control Engineering Human Consciousness - Jim Keith
How the Illuminati Create an Undetectable Mind Control Slave - Fritz Springmeier
The Franklin Coverup - John V. DeCamp
Thanks for the Memories - Brice Taylor - S.M.A.R.T. Ritual Abuse Pages
Morphic Resonance The Nature of Formative Causation - Rupert Sheldrake
Crossing the Event Horizon - Nassin Haramein
EFT for PTSD - Gary Craig
The Wisdom of Your Cells - Bruce Lipton Ph.D
Your Wish is Your Command - Kevin Trudeau
Phoenix Tears Nature's Answer for Cancer - Rick Simpson
Holographic Universe - Michael Talbot
What the Bleep Do We Know - video
The Biology of Belief - Bruce Lipton Ph.D - Don Croft/orgonite community
Thunderbolts of the Gods (Electric universe)- David
Everything You Know is Wrong - Lloyd Pye
Architects of Control - Michael Tsarion
Jordan Maxwell
Human Race Get Off Your Knees - David Icke
I did not include his book suggestions starting at 1:05 relating to Christ because as a Christian I would not recommend the point of view these books espouse...I don't think that invalidates some of his other knowledge but his religious views are something about which to use your discernment.
The Secret Life of Plants - Peter Tomkins and Christopher Bird
Happy research and reading to those who are interested in these subjects.
Hope you find some nuggets of truth...