posted ago by Kingslea ago by Kingslea +32 / -0

Today, all day I have been going down the many many many rabbit holes: But the holes have holes. I would like to know more about the following if anyone would like to kindly put forth their observances. P.S. Each one of these led to the next.

Adam Schiff Rape of Young Boy https://web.archive.org/web/20230315074806/https://archive.md/web/20230315074806/https://archive.md/sxvMO

JohnHereToHelp - John D. McGreevey Well Known Witness - Anthony Bourdain Lana Asanin - Twitter Account still banned. Talked about this issue. Accounts still banned = coverup.

Sheriff Gahler Offers Insight to the Conclusion of False Report by Dr. Jon McGreevy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fgp5fiYTVqo

John McGreevey as Whistleblower


Somehow this all lead me here: https://politicalmoonshine.com/2021/06/27/amerikan-remake-application-of-chinese-doctrine-one-belt-one-road-house-memo-cloward-and-piven/