"You have to understand, Most of These People Aren't Ready to Be Unplugged..."
~ Morpheus
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It explains dependency on dispensationalism as well............I've found
Sighhh. You and your angst for dispensationalism.
I argue with dispensationalists a lot, I've never seen one turn from it's errors.
It is strong like the dependency on "the system".
People have a hard time giving up the system, becoming unplugged.
Ive been unplugged from dispensationalism for a long time, but I'm just lately understanding the warfare necessary to fight it.
It's a tough battle we are up against brother. Understanding the mind and how language works plays a huge role. I encourage you to keep digging into this topic. Nlp, brainwashing and mind control are all in play in many areas. You definitely show the patients for it which I truly love seeing. Keep it up brother. Love you
Thanks, I'm a little embarrassed to be having this conversation in this forum, I save most debate(doctrine separates us) for The Donald or Escatology site. GAW trys to not seperate by religion, which I do respect and appreciate.
Thanks for the encouragement.
You really should spend more of your energy arguing about the essential doctrines of the Christian faith, rather than non essential, eschatological doctrines.
Changing salvation to a future event is a pretty big deal. My big thing with it is it robs the church of the present spiritual reality, changing spiritual things into physical things, so that the spiritual reality can't be recieved.
In short it makes weak Christians that just want to be taken out of the world, it makes Christians who have given up on humanity.
It's essential stuff to me, all that really matters.