What they didn't realize was Christ knew their plans and agendas from the beginning and used it against them. They sentenced him to death and He trapped death on that cross and snatched the keys from their master. It's happening again before our very eyes. My favorite scriptures-Gen 50:20 and Rom 8:28 speaks of God taking what the enemy means for harm and evil and turns it for the good of those who love Him. This is Biblical...
What they didn't realize was Christ knew their plans and agendas from the beginning and used it against them. They sentenced him to death and He trapped death on that cross and snatched the keys from their master. It's happening again before our very eyes. My favorite scriptures-Gen 50:20 and Rom 8:28 speaks of God taking what the enemy means for harm and evil and turns it for the good of those who love Him. This is Biblical...