Omg this makes total sense! Cant believe we were way off base thinking RO literally meant something to do with events taking place in that particular month!
I guess that's why Q kept telling us to EXPAND OUR THINKING!!
Must have been painful for them to watch us not get it for so long lmao.
Iirc at the time we also went down a lot of rabbit holes about ms13 being the foot soldiers for the cabal but this find by 40Head makes a lot of sense and they were probably right in the middle of the whole shebang
Omg this makes total sense! Cant believe we were way off base thinking RO literally meant something to do with events taking place in that particular month!
I guess that's why Q kept telling us to EXPAND OUR THINKING!!
Must have been painful for them to watch us not get it for so long lmao.
Iirc at the time we also went down a lot of rabbit holes about ms13 being the foot soldiers for the cabal but this find by 40Head makes a lot of sense and they were probably right in the middle of the whole shebang