🇺🇸 Become UnGovernable 🇺🇸
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If you could provide me with, perhaps the theme, or if it was to Pepe’s or just one or if you had a certain outfit I could look. I think I did save some of the AI Pepe’s.
It's so vague in my mind, I'm afraid. Sorry. I think he was wearing glasses and perhaps looked a bit like a spaceman. (But I'm not even sure of that.) He wasn't doing anything, just standing there. I'm sorry, I know that's not very helpful. I think it was rather colorful. I just remember it was so cute. He was such a cute pepe. I know that's not much to go on.
It looks like the person who created all those AI Pepe’s, no longer has an account here. Unfortunately, I don’t save all of the pictures to my phone, so when the account disappears sorrows, all the Content!
Awww. Okay. Well, thank you for checking. Do you know the name of the person who made them? It was driving me crazy trying to remember, lol.
I think it was kent
Never mind, I found it!! haha. I was just trying to send it to you for your collection but it didn't work. I'll try something else.
Direct message me and I’ll send you my email. If you’re comfortable with that. I am already friends with a few people here, offsite.
Undine Tweety NeverStopBelieving Ryan Selecta Etc…
Hmm. My second attempt didn't work either. I'm going to just paste the link here.
That didn't work either. For some reason I can't paste the thread. Oh well. You might have him already, anyway. Thanks for trying though, fren.