For those not averse to opening a FoxNews link, take a look at the first still picture. This was as he’s saying “Go f#@k yourself!” - he has both arms outstretched, both hands in the same 6-6-6 configuration (thumb and pointer pinched together while the middle finger, ring finger and pinky are straight out).
Is he telling the DS/cabal to F#@k off (in addition to telling the marxist advertisers to do so)?
I’m not at all familiar with Mr Musk’s usual hand gestures so maybe this is a stretch, but, to me, it looks as if there’s perhaps a connection between the visual and the verbal. Your thoughts?
The OK sign went from "secret white power" symbol to the Number of the Beast?
Many symbols can have different meanings to different people. They can also have no meaning at all. Perhaps Mr Musk wanted to flip the proverbial “bird” as he was expressing his anger at those trying to coerce him and made that gesture with his hands so that he could keep himself from doing so.
For scuba divers, that’s the sign between dive buddies that you’re not in distress. For those involved with satanism it’s the number of the beast. For woke joke SJWs it’s another opportunity to wail about victimhood and bloviate about their own contrived “virtuousness” when they see someone flashing that gesture. For the average Joe it’s likely just a sign that all is good (like when a waitress asks you if the food is good while you have a mouthful).