Ecl1pseGST 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, earlier today I saw a 3D recreation of where the shots should have hit, and most would have hit the bleachers or the lift, but they think there might have been one or two that hit dirt. So in that case you're right they should have found those by now and they should have rifling pattern intact.

Ecl1pseGST 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's about speed not power. Catching any rifle round in inspectable condition is very rare. Those little .223s splatter on any sort of metal they hit.

Ecl1pseGST 0 points ago +1 / -1

One cop climbed the ladder and the dude was pointing the rifle at him when he peeked over the tip, the cop ducked, and that's when the guy shot at Trump, allegedly.

Ecl1pseGST 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lol what is this from? Original DnD?

Ecl1pseGST 3 points ago +3 / -0

You have to join a waiting list to use it but I'll try it. I have some "uncensored" local models on my PC but they are only uncensored in the sense they won't refuse to talk about a topic, at their core they are still full of woke garbage, and can't be corrected by user input the way Tay could.

Ecl1pseGST 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ah hell no. If they declare marshall law I'm heading straight for the drill press if you know what I mean.

Ecl1pseGST 8 points ago +8 / -0

Replace him? Yes. With one of them? I don't think so. They are easy targets. Clinton got clowned on already, and Newsome has let his state fall to pieces. But lets face it. They won't run the sort of candidate who has a chance at running. They won't run a moderate. So really it doesn't matter. Cheating is their only path to victory, so we must do everything in our power to prevent and or document it.

Ecl1pseGST 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ill take it, it was a quick response. They certainly realize their customer base is rural Americans who overwhelmingly oppose this, but let some scum slip thru the cracks. I didn't want to have to mail order my Purolator oil filters, and they are the only place close by that sells them. It would be nice if they carried ammo like the Orshelen's they replaced though. That would be another sign of good faith.

Ecl1pseGST 2 points ago +2 / -0

We are lucky here in IA we are above the aquifer so everyone has their own well.

Ecl1pseGST 1 point ago +1 / -0

For most people it's a waste. A waste of their money. A waste of their time. They could be getting married and having kids, instead they slut around and party. Higher education should all be dedicated to specific fields and for the rest of us we shouldn't waste our time.

Ecl1pseGST 11 points ago +11 / -0

Most modern Jews have little or no ancient Israeli DNA. Synagogue of Satan. Ask- Why would a fair God give a certain race of humans a special pass, even though they denied his Son? He wouldn't. And if he was a racist, and he would, he certainly wouldn't extend it to their distant relatives with 5% Hebrew DNA. No. When the New Testament says Isreal it speaks of us. The Church. All who believe in Christ.

Ecl1pseGST 2 points ago +2 / -0

Idk maybe they just want another wife lol. Or to be able to say they go to the same church as John Moses Browning.

Ecl1pseGST 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's been over 60 years of this bullshit and not one prediction has come even measurably close to being even remotely true. Anyone that buys into it is a retard. Like straight up down syndrome.

Ecl1pseGST 2 points ago +2 / -0

Almost ready. Just a few more boxes of JHP, just in case.

Ecl1pseGST 1 point ago +1 / -0

What kind of place did this dude try to rob anyways? It's just 4 people at a desk with no products. And there's a hallway to get there. Seems like a terrible choice.

by PepeSee
Ecl1pseGST 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh yeah they do that shit all the time. Just the other day someone posted a video of a fake MAGA walking his way into a pro life parade with a bullhorn yelling sexist things to paint us that way.

Ecl1pseGST 1 point ago +2 / -1

It was dying and selling out earned her a comeback. Hollywood is getting desperate if they can't pump out hot young pop stars anymore and have to regurgitate Taylor and Gaga.

Ecl1pseGST 2 points ago +2 / -0

Making a hybrid would be a bit more in depth I don't know if anyone has done it, but I haven't read up on it much in years. Was considering trying to make one for my 4.2L M119 V8 in my '97 Benz so I could manual swap it, but ended up selling it. Too many electronic headaches outside the engine bay to deal with, even back then for Mercedes. US cars had barely adopted OBD2 at that time...

Anyways, you would need to make an auxillary computer that can read the data needed to know if it should use electric or IC power at any given time, or both. It would require control of your fly by wire throttle, but a backup circuit to bypass it straight to the Megasquirt would be good insurance in case the electric part goes down it's not dead in the water. Things it would need to know are probably battery charge, current fuel consumption and load of the IC engine, and some sort of targets to hit to maximize mpg while not letting the battery get too low . Speaking of which, you also need to trigger regenerative braking so you can recharge.

But if someone figures it out and shares then it could be easier for everyone else.

Ecl1pseGST 2 points ago +3 / -1

The difference is I'm not paying Google directly for their terrible BS when I buy an Android, and if I wanted I could remove it. I don't because I don't give a fuck what they think about me I'll be cocked and locked if they wanna do some talking about it.

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