For those not averse to opening a FoxNews link, take a look at the first still picture. This was as he’s saying “Go f#@k yourself!” - he has both arms outstretched, both hands in the same 6-6-6 configuration (thumb and pointer pinched together while the middle finger, ring finger and pinky are straight out).
Is he telling the DS/cabal to F#@k off (in addition to telling the marxist advertisers to do so)?
I’m not at all familiar with Mr Musk’s usual hand gestures so maybe this is a stretch, but, to me, it looks as if there’s perhaps a connection between the visual and the verbal. Your thoughts?
And Elon alone will contain the adverse effects that transhumanism/AI will have on humanity? That is a very tall order for one that has such a vested interest in the development and implementation of transhumanism. In listening to Musk speak on the subject it is clear that he believes humanity can be improved on...rejecting the perfection of God's creation. There has been much written on this subject and I do believe we are headed down a very slippery slope...
Slippery slope yes, I just see him as a voice of reason. (At times)
At times...agree...