For those not averse to opening a FoxNews link, take a look at the first still picture. This was as he’s saying “Go f#@k yourself!” - he has both arms outstretched, both hands in the same 6-6-6 configuration (thumb and pointer pinched together while the middle finger, ring finger and pinky are straight out).
Is he telling the DS/cabal to F#@k off (in addition to telling the marxist advertisers to do so)?
I’m not at all familiar with Mr Musk’s usual hand gestures so maybe this is a stretch, but, to me, it looks as if there’s perhaps a connection between the visual and the verbal. Your thoughts?
Yes...agree wholeheartedly...great comments...God creates...satan destroys...there is such a spiritual battle going on for the very souls of mankind. I read a book a long time ago..."Who should play God? : the artificial creation of life and what it means for the future of the human race" this question really needs to be answered if we continue on the quest for transhumanism and the increasing use of AI.
Looks interesting.
That book was published in really shows how long this has been going on. I distinctly remember a series of four articles in Life Magazine in the late 60's that asked some serious legal and ethical questions about things like artificial insemination and cloning. I used that for a term paper...fascinating stuff...lots of unanswered questions....