When you put it like that, it sends a shiver down the spine… In truth, we shouldn’t be able to mention such mind-blowingly horrifying atrocities with near-transparent culpability in plain sight, with an almost dispassionate air of apathy, without also being able to acknowledge justice and retribution by saying “…so thank God the perpetrators have been apprehended and will soon be swinging by the neck from a noose…” Right-minded people’s anger is shifting from fury at the execution of the atrocities to rage for the lack of discernment, justice or basic humanity… At some point, there has to be Ceaucescu-level pushback or this never ends.
600K in the US is basically wiping a Boston or Seattle-sized city off the map.
12M worldwide is like wiping Sweden off the map.
When you put it like that, it sends a shiver down the spine… In truth, we shouldn’t be able to mention such mind-blowingly horrifying atrocities with near-transparent culpability in plain sight, with an almost dispassionate air of apathy, without also being able to acknowledge justice and retribution by saying “…so thank God the perpetrators have been apprehended and will soon be swinging by the neck from a noose…” Right-minded people’s anger is shifting from fury at the execution of the atrocities to rage for the lack of discernment, justice or basic humanity… At some point, there has to be Ceaucescu-level pushback or this never ends.