COMING SOON: Possible 'balancing' solution to the Daily Chat vs "Shower Thought" posts. Let's experiment with making Daily Chat a 'Weekly Chat'? Hopefully frogs can expect better, more high-quality engagement that will increase visibility of legitimate questions/research requests, etc. Cool?
🐸 GAW PSA! 🐸

Actually, it was your post (I gave you that 1-day reminder; we've had lots of stickies and other comms about this policy, etc) that got the mods thinking. Mods don't like giving vacations out, believe it or not. We pay for those flights out of our own pocket.
Wow, learning so much. Have some dings in the armor over the years with low effort posts. Thanks for all you do keep this place “the best place on the interweb!” Can’t wait till the award ceremony that passes out Digital Warrior Medals - be amazing to see our guys get some! ☘️
I can see your thinking here, Cats, reading through this thread. You efforts are appreciated. But, at the risk of seeming to be either overly pedantic (pretty easy with me) or just a dumbass, can I get a confirmation that the
"Daily Chat" you are referring to is in fact General Chat, which BB posts each day. I mean, I thought that would be bloody obvious, but I only see consistent reference to a "Daily Chat" (using capitals, which is the standard way of indicating an actual proper noun, aka NAME) in this thread and the previous one.
If you can put this to bed for me finally, I'll leave it and let the mayhem continue as is.