COMING SOON: Possible 'balancing' solution to the Daily Chat vs "Shower Thought" posts. Let's experiment with making Daily Chat a 'Weekly Chat'? Hopefully frogs can expect better, more high-quality engagement that will increase visibility of legitimate questions/research requests, etc. Cool?
🐸 GAW PSA! 🐸

This is great feedback. Thank you for sharing. We mods agree, and don't get us wrong. We still allow TONS of borderline or outright "shower thought" posts (we're suckers for letting the posts survive if they're high effort and high quality). But we also notice that Daily Chat is kind of a ghost town and it's not doing what we really want. That's all this thread is really about. It's not about imposing a lot of fake, artificial rules.
Let's see how this experiment goes. I personally think we should have realized this and done this a long time ago.
Perhaps start referring to it as the General Chat instead of the Daily Chat, or change the name to Daily Chat instead of the current General Chat?
Because even though its a daily chat thread, the actual proper noun (name) is currently General Chat (which makes me wonder just how many pedes recognize what you are talking about. I guess its a no brainer, but why do you insist on calling it Daily Chat with capital letters when its actually General Chat, formally?
Sorry. Linguistics and language anon here.
That's good. It can be whatever as long as it has the date. How about:
#48 - Weekly Chat
Something like that?
Uh, ok. Now you are rocking. So, when you say "Daily Chat" you really mean the General Chat, right? Anyone who frequents and uses General Chat knows it as General Chat (and not Daily Chat), so if you want to establish a Weekly thread for general chat content, I would avoid using the phrase "General Chat" because it is already owned by the daily version.
Unless you wish to convert the daily version into a weekly version. Then WEEKLY GENERAL CHAT - Week #48 would be fine.
If, however, the intent is to have both a daily general discussion thread AND a weekly one, I would suggest just keeping the current General Chat moniker as is:
General Chat for Sat, Dec 2
You could add a 'daily' to it for extra clarity, if deemed useful:
Daily General Chat for Sat, Dec 2
and create a separate weekly thread with a VERY different name. Having a different moniker altogether would help reduce any confusion between the two.
WEEKLY Off-Topic Discussions - Week 48
Then add a brief but clear descriptor behind the formal moniker, so that a random view of the title leads the reader to recognize the PURPOSE of the thread
WEEKLY Off-Topic Discussions - Week 48: Post your ideas, musings, shower thoughts and off-topic discussions here!
I’m in the same boat, had one get deleted so I was hesitant to post more. I also don’t post that much, more often reply