COMING SOON: Possible 'balancing' solution to the Daily Chat vs "Shower Thought" posts. Let's experiment with making Daily Chat a 'Weekly Chat'? Hopefully frogs can expect better, more high-quality engagement that will increase visibility of legitimate questions/research requests, etc. Cool?
🐸 GAW PSA! 🐸

Who's implying that? Legit, why are you always such an overly-sensitive bitch? NOTHING I wrote implied that you are a garbage flat earther or make flat earth posts. Did you miss the end? Did you miss this part?
I was saying that if you want, Telegram has lots of engagement for you, if you're willing to slog into that cesspool of fuckwit garbage.
You need to dial back your paranoia. This thread isn't me against you. This thread is "We're gonna make 'daily chat' into 'weekly chat.' Period. The end. That's the post. Get it?
Why, WHY, after all these years, do you still think that, even for a milisecond, that I give even the foggiest flying shit what your opinion is, what anyone thinks of me, or the mod team, or me vs. you, or anyone vs anyone, on this level? AT ALL?
We mod the board. You post and dig and research and be the best you can be. If you can't do that, we will send you along on your way. IT LITERALLY IS AS SIMPLE AS THAT.
GAW rules because of the mods. GAW rules because of researchers like you. The end.
Your insults:
I paid you a compliment. You missed it. I am cool to you literally every time we interact. The fuckwit garbage I refer to isn't coming from you, that statement from me is in the context of the "engagement heavy" Telegram groups I'm theoretically asking you to compare GAW to.
Dial. Back. Your. Paranoia.