I relieved her. We ended up on the topic of abortion, and since she has a 4 Y/O child I wrongfully assumed she was neutral or pro-life. I told her about the video circa mid-80's The Silent Scream. This is a 30 minute documentary that is presented by a Dr. using models, abortion tool displays, and a sonogram taken by an abortion Dr. which the Dr. doing the narration of the documentary claims the aborting Dr. never did another abortion after viewing the film of the sonogram. In the footage you can see the fetus clearly agitated as the suction tube breaks the sack and sucks out the fluid. Then the fetus is terrified as the suction tube rips it apart.
When I told her that pro-choice was actually poor choice, I guess that was the last straw and she stormed away. Most likely she will inform the site supervisor and/or upper management. All of which are Christians, but Jesus said many will use His Name and Know Him not. I guess we will see what happens.
The perception of what security is and the reality are two different things. I know in the beginning Security Licenses came about because many security guards were fresh out of jail. I had a pair of brothers who were my friends and their father and uncle both worked in security, and were also in and out of jail.
I guess I'm petty, because if I get terminated I will write a letter explaining how corners are cut to save the building management company money. The typical camera setup doesn't work well because its digital and they degrade the quality as well as only record when there's movement, but this doesn't work very well. See the suspect then see again 20 ft away etc... Also no proper documentation of incidents. Our reports go to the security company management to "Fix" any problems. This is only a sampling of the problems and is systemic throughout the industry.
In-House security working directly for the client instead of through an agency is a better option. Basically contract security takes some of the money and all of the benefits at most agencies. As a senior, I have Insurance via my wife, and since I work a lot of OT, I can take a non-paid vacation. However a job that pays 1.5 for OT and if you work on a holiday doesn't attract the best when it comes to younger people.
The state I reside in has the most lax security laws, but is now trying to improve them. 2 years ago you had 6 months to take the online course and get a security License. This leads the management to find a body any body to fill the positions. I was also shocked when I found out there was no training requited 2 years ago for handcuffs, batons, stun guns, pepper spray etc... Thank God that changes now Jan. 1st.
I'm not an eloquent speaker, but I will stand up for what I believe in. I literally had a few close incidents over the last few years on the bus regarding the vax and the myriad other things going on. I had to learn how to determine when its appropriate, when an Urban youth screamed at me I could be assassinated (I was talking about Obama at the time lol) I have woke a few people up regarding the vax etc.. and there's a good chance I may have at least made someone think before deciding on abortion.
As Trump says, We will have to see what happens...
Note: My supervisor is sort of based, but is fully brainwashed Re: the Palestinian/ Israeli conflict. He supports israel genociding the Palestinians. Pastors have been useful idiots regarding the jewish people. There's a disconnect between chosen peoples, and having to accept Jesus or go to hell. Now the Cabal is done using the Christians, they want to exterminate.
As for me, everyone is a good person until they prove themselves otherwise. I believe most people are good regardless of religion, race, or nationality. I'm not on Israel's side, or the Palestinians, I'm on the side of the innocent people killed on both sides.
God bless Trump, the Q team, the Anons.
I don't think they have legal grounds to fire you for being Pro-Life. You have freedom of speech and were not intentionally attempting to hurt anyone. The sensitive bitch got triggered by something she didn't like, tough shit. If they fire you, get it in writing and sue the shit our of them.
Yeah, Thanks for your advice. I might just do that... Security is a dirty business.
Basically on par with the illegals except for taxes.
I got into security after getting hurt in an industrial accident. I left, but always end up back, and now I have no intention of doing anything else, I'm 65...
When I started in Security I'd say 1/3rd was in-house and 2/3rds were agencies. The main selling point is that the security company will at least have a body to fill in. Whereas if you hire them yourself, who covers for a call off. Most security is 1 per shift. So now maybe 5% is in-house.
Nice Hotels often have in-house and pay a bit more and have benefits. They make up for it by having lots of duties that an agency guard wouldn't do.
Often on third shift you are Bellmen, Engineering, Housekeeping, Deliver the express checkouts, and pick up breakfast menus. Many security guards are quite lazy, but I never minded having to cover other work, I had better pay and benifits.
Maybe stop talking politics and just do your job. Even looking at your posts right now you are talking waaaay too much.
I never talk politics at work. Talk about sports, weather or anything else. I know a guy like you who constantly gets fired for talking too much. You might need to listen more.
Yeah and just deny that you said anything if it was just between you two then she made it up lol….