That's what he was trying to test. I don't mess with it at all. Already gifted an Alexa speaker for Christmas. Exchanged it for my daughter's 1st bike.
If I could build a little box that peeps could carry in their pockets and would detect an Alexis or a Siri and vibrate, I could shill it on X22 and make bank!
Why do people mess with AI?
It is tilted left.
That's what he was trying to test. I don't mess with it at all. Already gifted an Alexa speaker for Christmas. Exchanged it for my daughter's 1st bike.
Good for you.
I want none of that crap.
If I could build a little box that peeps could carry in their pockets and would detect an Alexis or a Siri and vibrate, I could shill it on X22 and make bank!
That suckered would go off nonstop
And it back feeds the offending machine and fries it...with a little puff of smoke for dramatic effect.