I just got a text from my daughter. She is my only child. She lives 10 hours away. She had her first mammogram and they now want to give her an ultrasound after finding something in her breast.
She was triple vaxxed bc she worked at a University and it was required to stay employed. She is not married so even though we asked her not to take the jab she said she had to take it or she’d be out of work.
I even begged her not to take the 3rd booster bc it wasn’t required but she did it anyway.
I know the chances are it is benign. Please pray that it is so. Thank you!
This is the thing about regular diagnostic testing WITH NO SYMPTOMS.
The more they look for, the more they find. I have had to undergo several biopsies. Nichts Nada. BUT they get the $ for the mammogram and the biopsies.
NOT SAYING that early detection is not worth it for the ones who are saved.
But mammograms and follow ups are part of the established procedures, and that doesn't mean there is anything real to worry about. So please do not worry!
I’m a mom and I do worry about my kid. I am aware 9 out of 10 cases like this are benign. But I’ve also seen turbo cancer ravage and kill a neighbor who took the jabs upfront. She was diagnosed right after her booster.
I am also aware that prayers work
My own sister was saved after being written off three times by ICU doctors. It was a miraculous recovery and also why I returned to Him myself.
Yes, He wants us to ask for Healing.