So we have talked about the mass influx of military age men that seem to know which new cities they are supposed to go to.
Some, if not many, are already well trained.
The idea is that these militant groups are coming up, being acquainted with varied locations & will attack America just in time for the deep state to have Biden claim martial law & stop the election because we have war in our own borders.
I could see blackhats absolutely attempting this. I personally only see one path (currently & have been wrong before due to a lack of data & experience) that Trump takes office again at all & that is if the beast is chased out of the US by the young Lion mentioned in 2nd Esdras 11-12, Devolution gives me this hope that we are far enough along in the timine that the heads of the eagle have swallowed each other up & our military is the sole remaining head of this beast that is in its death throes or that the Biden we see on TV is the little horn with the eyes & mouth.
I could be way off on all of this text from parts of the Bible that were included until some Christian sects decided they didn't want them in official cannon any longer. I have read in some Jonathan Gray books, IIRC, where he claims that the Bible Code (math code) doesn't add up correctly if the Apocrypha books are included. Though the coincidences are incredible regarding how many 4 year & 8 year terms president's were voted in. Also that JFK is the middle of the life of the beast & that Roosevelt was elected to 4 terms & none other would serve as long as him. It spelled out that Trump would be removed (which he was) as was Nixon & JFK.
The last bit is the Biden is removed sooner than Trump was, & two others stand to take the presidential seat & are denied it. Then the heads wake up & take each other out (maybe the branches of government?)
I can see that Biden was GITMOed or killed for treason/any other military reason. Kamala & Pelosi (would Pelosi give up that opportunity to someone who wasn't a natural born resident like Kamala?) didn't get to take the seat because the military woke up & took control see Devolution
Just looking for thoughts from others on how this might play out with some game theroy. How likely do you think it is that black hats have imported foreign militants to stop a Trump landslide & will activate it to get the election denied next year?
I would love to hear all ideas, including ones telling me how wrong I am and why. Just looking for more data/ideas to help figured out the game theroy here.
This absolutely makes good sense!