Check the Q boards; AJ is Mossad; always has been. William Cooper saw right through him and was calling him out in the late 90's. What are shovels used for anons?
I suspect that AJ was, like many others, a puppet. Then, as Q said:
Go watch the AJ video where he interviews Steve Pieczenik after the "inauguration" of "President" "Biden". Steve says straight up that Trump is still president. AJ looks beatific, beaming. Who know whose side he is really on.
Check the Q boards; AJ is Mossad; always has been. William Cooper saw right through him and was calling him out in the late 90's. What are shovels used for anons?
I suspect that AJ was, like many others, a puppet. Then, as Q said: "THE PUPPET MASTERS HAVE BEEN REMOVED."
Go watch the AJ video where he interviews Steve Pieczenik after the "inauguration" of "President" "Biden". Steve says straight up that Trump is still president. AJ looks beatific, beaming. Who know whose side he is really on.