posted ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +42 / -0

Did you know… that the diagnoses for “mental retardation” DECREASED at a rate that is inversely proportional to the INCREASE in diagnoses for “autism”?

Thats right!

One of the real reasons the rate of autism is growing exponentially, is because doctors have been getting exponentially better at diagnosing autism, year after year, for the last 50 years…

At least, thats the official story…

So we ask the obvious questions, like, how exactly are doctors being trainer better, year over year?

What exact improvemments did they make to diagnoses, training, education, etc…

And what you will find is, “they” cant really explain how doctors are getting better at diagnosing autism…every year, for 50 years…

But one way doctors are being “trained” better, is to diagnose patients with “autism” instead of “mental retardation”

They want the phrase “mental retardation” striken from the collective memorys of the masses.

But why?

Because the phrase “mental retardation” has meaning. It conveys the true nature of the problem.

“Autism” is a bullshit word that doesnt actually “mean” anything at all.

The word “Autism” comes from “aut” as in “automobile, automatic, etc

So “Aut” means “self”,

Therefore “aut-ism” is “self-ism”

Well what does that even mean?

Supposedly, according to the people who come up with these ideas,

they coined the term autism to describe someone who was basically more into themselves, than they were into the world around them.

So basically autistic people were just extremely “self-centered”

and therefore probably not very nice people…

But the phrase “mental retardation” has the root word “retard” in it, and that is the key,

To retard, is the opposite of advance.

In order to “retard”, there must be “regression” back away from a previously achieved milestone

For example, in many cases of “regressive autism” a child will have been able to feed themselves, have toilet control, walk, talk, etc…

And then “regress” or “retard” away from those milestones.

Thats the very definition of “retard”

And that “regression” away from previously achieved milestones, is very problematic for the “autism is gentic” official narrative

If you were ever told it was “rude” to call your friends retards, because it might hurt a real retards feelings…

you were the victim of another psyop!

Get the phrase “mental retardation” out in the popular lexicon,

Get the experts to explain to us, where all the actual retards went, since they have been decreasing in numbers every year for the last 50 years…

Did the medical establishment find a cure for mental retardation?

You’d think they’d be singing the praises of modern medicine and science,

But they are oddly quiet about mental retardation,

because they want you to be calling it autism instead

So breach the topic,

Make the fact checkers debunk it.

And when they try to “debunk it” they only get the Streisand Effect