You are SO lucky, not to have heard this no-talent harpy's "music." She beyond horrible. The fact that she has tens of thousands of normie fans is telling...especially when we're all trying to deal with sleepy, low-info normies.
I watched (on mute) one of her dance routines. She looked like a cross between a giraffe and someone suffering from a spastic illness. I've read that her relationships with males are and have been fake.
I can see her appeal to the Left though because she's all about optics and nothing about substance.
Oh, that's totally fair. Probably tens of millions of fans...but I just don't understand why. She's horrible. And her music/voice is stomach-turning. In the very same way that John Legend's is.
Not familiar with this woman's music - I'm thrilled to admit. She seems like the perfect example of proving the MKUltra program was never stopped.
You are SO lucky, not to have heard this no-talent harpy's "music." She beyond horrible. The fact that she has tens of thousands of normie fans is telling...especially when we're all trying to deal with sleepy, low-info normies.
I watched (on mute) one of her dance routines. She looked like a cross between a giraffe and someone suffering from a spastic illness. I've read that her relationships with males are and have been fake. I can see her appeal to the Left though because she's all about optics and nothing about substance.
LOL. You are so spot-on about her. I especially can't stand her now that she's hooked up with the attention-whore Kelce family.
You can tell a person's true nature by the company they keep. My grandmother always told me this and she was right!
"Tens of thousands", that is a desperately low underestimation and does no good to reduce to such a low number.
Tens of thousands would be inconsequential.
Oh, that's totally fair. Probably tens of millions of fans...but I just don't understand why. She's horrible. And her music/voice is stomach-turning. In the very same way that John Legend's is.
Of course, I'm more awake than others, so...