This info war is really demoralizing sometimes. You think you find something authentic and then its attacked by someone you thought was authentic, and then you don't know what to think. I thought AJ was Mossad. But also thought Tucker was probably a good guy. But then Tucker kind of embraces AJ. Who also interviewed General Flynn. Q appears to support Flynn but not AJ.
Anyhoo, I listen to DEFECTED and DEVOLUTION POWER HOUR on Badlands, and they often mention this Kate Awakening person. So I just entered Kate Awakening into the search bar here at GA to find out what her deal was, because there's not a lot of easily searchable stuff for her real name on the internet. Only to find that a year ago there were questions regarding her connections to MOSSAD and Playboy, etc. Which of course implicates Patel Patriot, right? Reminds me of when people were talking about Papadopolous's wife being his handler. Does anyone know what if anything ever came of those accusations?
Here is a link to a discussion that took place on this last year:
X22report is great for those that do not visit these forums or similar ones.
Or if you have trouble sleeping LOL. I don't mean it as an insult, it's just that he definitely has a cadence that sort of lulls me to sleep.