172 Trump changes course will no longet testify tomorrow. As his lawyers said. (truthsocial.com) posted 1 year ago by JollyRancherHard 1 year ago by JollyRancherHard +172 / -0 32 comments share 32 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I know what it is. But it doesn't apply here.
But this is a civil trial not a criminal trial. If you take the 5th Amendment in a CIVIL trial, that can be held against you.
Secondly, Trump is not taking the 5th here. The state has rested their case, this is Trump's defense. So he is declining to testify in his defense.
He was called as a witness by the state and he testified then. He did not take the 5th, because as I said the judge could hold it against him.