Israel possibly saved last to illustrate, not only the way influence Obama and his Islamic roots, but also the corruption of Israel that dates back to even before its inception and establishment after World War II?
Now that would be a show.
We literally give them billions of dollars which they do not spread amongst the poorest of their citizens. The military industrial complex there has a nearly one-way sharing agreement of technology developed in the U.S. Israeli military companies develop new tech and weapons and sell it back to the U.S., double-dipping. On top of that, they sell our technology to the highest bidder, skirting our laws against U.S. military contractors from doing the same.
The Israeli/Hamas/Islam conflict is deeper than any of us can ever feel or understand. If Israel created Hamas and it got away from them, possibly like ISIS did from the U.S., then we there are obvious questions that need to be answered.
Ultimately, we should just ask ourselves who truly benefits from all of this…
This has made me question the Christian Evangelical movement even further and the idea of supporting Israel at any cost and without question. It is a paradox because it says the Israelites are God’s chosen people. This is what the Old Testament tells us. The New Testament has support for this as well but then it also illustrates that God made a new covenant with those that accepted Jesus as savior. There are also passages where it looks like Jesus started to separate himself and his followers from Judaism. Add to this the idea that current day Jews are not the only ancestors of the original Judaic tribes and it gets even more confusing.
Now, throw in the Ethiopian Bible versus the Dead Sea Scrolls and the re-writings of the Bible. How much nuance has been put in, how much propaganda? We know that European courts were influenced by the powerful Jewish families of the time, influence that was kept secret. European courts, especially italian courts, all held Jews in prominent positions, usually in the background. Whether they were advisors, royal physicians, etc., there was influence and many courts were taking loans from prominent Jewish families though they would not admit it openly. They had to sponsor war, crusades, expansion.
Christianity and a few other religions preach forgiveness and acceptance of others. The Talmud and the Koran do not. The New Testament pushes Christians to try to convert and, as with many of the major religions, this was taken to the point of “convert or die” (crusades). The Old Testament was much more violent and less forgiving.
Israel possibly saved last to illustrate, not only the way influence Obama and his Islamic roots, but also the corruption of Israel that dates back to even before its inception and establishment after World War II?
Now that would be a show.
We literally give them billions of dollars which they do not spread amongst the poorest of their citizens. The military industrial complex there has a nearly one-way sharing agreement of technology developed in the U.S. Israeli military companies develop new tech and weapons and sell it back to the U.S., double-dipping. On top of that, they sell our technology to the highest bidder, skirting our laws against U.S. military contractors from doing the same.
The Israeli/Hamas/Islam conflict is deeper than any of us can ever feel or understand. If Israel created Hamas and it got away from them, possibly like ISIS did from the U.S., then we there are obvious questions that need to be answered.
Ultimately, we should just ask ourselves who truly benefits from all of this…
This has made me question the Christian Evangelical movement even further and the idea of supporting Israel at any cost and without question. It is a paradox because it says the Israelites are God’s chosen people. This is what the Old Testament tells us. The New Testament has support for this as well but then it also illustrates that God made a new covenant with those that accepted Jesus as savior. There are also passages where it looks like Jesus started to separate himself and his followers from Judaism. Add to this the idea that current day Jews are not the only ancestors of the original Judaic tribes and it gets even more confusing.
Now, throw in the Ethiopian Bible versus the Dead Sea Scrolls and the re-writings of the Bible. How much nuance has been put in, how much propaganda? We know that European courts were influenced by the powerful Jewish families of the time, influence that was kept secret. European courts, especially italian courts, all held Jews in prominent positions, usually in the background. Whether they were advisors, royal physicians, etc., there was influence and many courts were taking loans from prominent Jewish families though they would not admit it openly. They had to sponsor war, crusades, expansion.
Christianity and a few other religions preach forgiveness and acceptance of others. The Talmud and the Koran do not. The New Testament pushes Christians to try to convert and, as with many of the major religions, this was taken to the point of “convert or die” (crusades). The Old Testament was much more violent and less forgiving.
It is such a deep and complex situation.