Should be fired for the plagiarism. Not for failing to condemn "antisemitism". Why do they get their own special, somehow worse, word for racism? That's freedom of speech. Why can I be "anti-" everything, except for those of "semitic" descent (they're not)? I hate Muslims who want to destroy Christianity; technically that makes me very antisemitic as a lot of them have similar genealogical descent. So is it a religion thing? Why can I openly mock Jesus, if I wanted toβ but not jews putting their sins in to chickens, and donating them to the poor, so that the goyΔ«m take punishment for their sins instead of themselves?
Should be fired for the plagiarism. Not for failing to condemn "antisemitism". Why do they get their own special, somehow worse, word for racism? That's freedom of speech. Why can I be "anti-" everything, except for those of "semitic" descent (they're not)? I hate Muslims who want to destroy Christianity; technically that makes me very antisemitic as a lot of them have similar genealogical descent. So is it a religion thing? Why can I openly mock Jesus, if I wanted toβ but not jews putting their sins in to chickens, and donating them to the poor, so that the goyΔ«m take punishment for their sins instead of themselves?