In the pilot episode, which aired March 4, 2001 (exactly six months and one week prior to the September 11 attacks[5]), rogue members of the U.S. government remotely hijack an airliner flying to Boston, planning to crash it into the World Trade Center, and let anti-American terrorist groups take credit, to gain support for a profitable new war following the Cold War.
Wow you really hit hard!
I was in the 4th grade when 9/11 was ready to see the Middle East nuked, no questions asked.
As I got older I think that was the first big eye opener, the govt would really murder those people and bring the tower down. I remember even being mad about “let’s roll” conspiracy it was just too absurd for my young mind to understand
But without some crystal ball what could convince me?
I must’ve eventually stumbled over the dancing Israelis and more specifically the Project B thing.
When I saw they had the drawings of people falling to their death in a very demonic way, how they made that bridge come out of the exact spot the plane painstakingly positioned itself, almost impossibly, to hit it….. what more evidence do you need? If the govt can do one wrong thing, admit it, and move on as they have done in the past then literally ANYTHING is possible..