I'm willing to consider he's just taking advantage of our situation, but it sure seems like he's more liberty-minded than most of those in power in the U.S.
It is indeed beneficial to make friends with the people who don't want to destroy you than the people who do.
Under Trump, we weren't pushing nearly as hard against Russia as we were under Obama and the Usurper.
The damage we've done to Russia with only a brief respite from Trump (who remained firm, but not aggressive) is palpable.
Russia is a very Christian traditionalist country with a rich history (some of that history is not so positive, ahem communism) so from that point of view it makes sense to want to preserve those traditions in the face of those who would destroy them.
I won't pretend to know Putin's agenda, but the fact remains that even if he is taking advantage or pretending, that our own representatives can't even do that shows how much worse they are than Putin.
I'm willing to consider he's just taking advantage of our situation, but it sure seems like he's more liberty-minded than most of those in power in the U.S.
It is indeed beneficial to make friends with the people who don't want to destroy you than the people who do.
Under Trump, we weren't pushing nearly as hard against Russia as we were under Obama and the Usurper.
The damage we've done to Russia with only a brief respite from Trump (who remained firm, but not aggressive) is palpable.
Russia is a very Christian traditionalist country with a rich history (some of that history is not so positive, ahem communism) so from that point of view it makes sense to want to preserve those traditions in the face of those who would destroy them.
I won't pretend to know Putin's agenda, but the fact remains that even if he is taking advantage or pretending, that our own representatives can't even do that shows how much worse they are than Putin.