If Satan, then that's an admission of GOD. If government is IN CONTACT, but not allowing knowledge of this to the public, it's because they don't want us to get that confirmation of GOD.
So why all the secrecy? Its NOT "we'd be too scared".
It's that they are in contact and know it's Satanic and are COOPERATING with SATAN.
Hello breakdown of society, hello policies that allow and assist the Baal cabal. Hello purposeful culling of humanity with death-vaXXX, etc
Satan is shown throughout the Bible to offer knowledge in exchange for worship/departure from God. Starting with EVE.
Revelation says Satan was "given the keys" to hell at some point at the end, followed by a massive increase in demonic activity.
Satan didn't have the keys. Didn't say God GAVE him the keys...Maybe MAN, assisted by knowledge given from Satan gave Satan the keys.
Hello CERN. I'm sure they're working on a way to introduce these terrible powerful beings...but it WON'T be in a way that confirms God.
Satan, for wealth, knowledge, Earthly pleasure, has enlisted Mankind, through it's leaders, to assist him in his war on God Almighty. And Satan's war includes the destruction of God's creation, including Man. THIS is the big secret that government and global elites are terrified we'll find out.
We are talking about demons.
If demons, then that's an admission about Satan.
If Satan, then that's an admission of GOD. If government is IN CONTACT, but not allowing knowledge of this to the public, it's because they don't want us to get that confirmation of GOD.
So why all the secrecy? Its NOT "we'd be too scared".
It's that they are in contact and know it's Satanic and are COOPERATING with SATAN.
Hello breakdown of society, hello policies that allow and assist the Baal cabal. Hello purposeful culling of humanity with death-vaXXX, etc Satan is shown throughout the Bible to offer knowledge in exchange for worship/departure from God. Starting with EVE.
Revelation says Satan was "given the keys" to hell at some point at the end, followed by a massive increase in demonic activity.
Hello CERN. I'm sure they're working on a way to introduce these terrible powerful beings...but it WON'T be in a way that confirms God.
Satan, for wealth, knowledge, Earthly pleasure, has enlisted Mankind, through it's leaders, to assist him in his war on God Almighty. And Satan's war includes the destruction of God's creation, including Man. THIS is the big secret that government and global elites are terrified we'll find out.