That’s true until a successful, well publicized legal action ends in a huge monetary award. Then everyone who ever got jabbed for anything will be claiming victim status in hopes of snagging a piece of the action. Big pharma’s bones will be picked clean. Then the hospital administrations will be in the crosshairs and their insurers. Then, the pharmacies and clinics, then the physicians and their nurses. Anyone ethically bound by oath to at least do no harm. Then the next big shoe to drop will be the employers who mandated all workers get the biological gene experiment. All who acted on information that they never double and triple checked. Following illegal orders is not a defense.
That’s true until a successful, well publicized legal action ends in a huge monetary award. Then everyone who ever got jabbed for anything will be claiming victim status in hopes of snagging a piece of the action. Big pharma’s bones will be picked clean. Then the hospital administrations will be in the crosshairs and their insurers. Then, the pharmacies and clinics, then the physicians and their nurses. Anyone ethically bound by oath to at least do no harm. Then the next big shoe to drop will be the employers who mandated all workers get the biological gene experiment. All who acted on information that they never double and triple checked. Following illegal orders is not a defense.