If Nicola Tesla discovered a way to harness unlimited energy for all humans, and if the mechanisms are small enough, then electric cars are going to be very viable. Maybe Musk has a long range plan. Batteries are the major stumbling block to reliable electric cars. No batteries problem solved.
- N C S W I C -

*******The first EV heyday was brief, however, and Edison's battery came along as Ford's more affordable Model T was gaining prominence. Even so, Edison and Henry Ford himself planned to develop a low-cost electric car as late as 1914. ****** But the truth is that today's EV headlines could be ripped from a newspaper in 1917. It's hard to believe, but 38 percent of vehicles in the U.S. were electric in that year; 40 percent were steam powered and only 22 percent used gasoline ***** As early as 1903, Henry Ford was aware that his friend Thomas Edison was experimenting with battery technology for vehicles. But it wasn't until 1914 that Ford began openly working on a low-cost electric car.
Another good find.