The first year was a test. I used an above ground pool as my "protected garden". I put kiddie pools inside it with soil to make six individual plots. It keeps ALL critters out (so far; deer were my biggest concern). Unfortunately, it is sun limited, but I will try to start seeds earlier this year to hopefully improve the output.
I saw an ingenious fencing method for keeping out deer which allows you to fence in a huge area at very little expense. You put metal fence posts at each corner of your garden area and then one or two extra along the long sides, depending on how large the garden is. Then string at least 30 pound test fishing line around at about 1 foot apart up to around 3 or 4 feet high. The deer bump up against it and can't push through. Also, if they back up to get a running start to jump over it, they can't see the line at that point so they're afraid to try and jump it. They claim it works very well.
Remember to plant seeds when it's the right time. For example, tomatoes and okra are tropical plants and won't grow until it's warm. Years ago, I planted some tomato plants in April, and they just sat there without growing a bit until June. Then they took off and gave me a lot of tomatoes.
The first year was a test. I used an above ground pool as my "protected garden". I put kiddie pools inside it with soil to make six individual plots. It keeps ALL critters out (so far; deer were my biggest concern). Unfortunately, it is sun limited, but I will try to start seeds earlier this year to hopefully improve the output.
I saw an ingenious fencing method for keeping out deer which allows you to fence in a huge area at very little expense. You put metal fence posts at each corner of your garden area and then one or two extra along the long sides, depending on how large the garden is. Then string at least 30 pound test fishing line around at about 1 foot apart up to around 3 or 4 feet high. The deer bump up against it and can't push through. Also, if they back up to get a running start to jump over it, they can't see the line at that point so they're afraid to try and jump it. They claim it works very well.
Remember to plant seeds when it's the right time. For example, tomatoes and okra are tropical plants and won't grow until it's warm. Years ago, I planted some tomato plants in April, and they just sat there without growing a bit until June. Then they took off and gave me a lot of tomatoes.