I believe I have an, if not the, answer to the question of what exactly Q meant when they said that "the truth would 99% of people in the hospital."
The most effective and succinct way for me to express this truth, is that the world has been turned into one giant labor / concentration camp. Allow me to explain.
If you think about the structure and function of a labor camp, its purpose is to extraxt maximum value from the laborers, with little or no regard for their well-being. A large labor camp might consist of laborers, middle managers overseeing efficient operations of the camp, and then an elite caste at the top that run the camp.
When we look at the structure of our world today, we see that the mass of humanity has become one giant pool of labor. Instead of being able to wake up every day and follow our passions, most humans are compelled to submit to the drudgery of wage slave labor, often working anywhere from 40-70 hours a week simply to not be homeless or starve to death.
The modern societal prison is the equivalent of being sent to solitary - one is forcibly excluded from the wider group and cast into a very damaging situation for violating the rules of the camp. Some of those rules, like murder charges, make sense, but many, includijg most notably the terribly damaging war on drugs, as well as political prisoners, only serve to protect the power of the established elite.
Is this really all there is to life - monotonous drudgery, obligations, tedium? I think not. Why can we not have a world where everyone can spend their time engaging in enjoyable and passionate activities, be it reading, playing games, making music or movies, you name it? Is it really beyond the scope of our imagination to dream of such a world?
The reason that world does not exist is because an evil cabal of psychopaths have, largely over the past 400-500 years, destroyed the existing societal structures around the world, and replaced them with entire societies fashioned as a labor camp. You have the grunt laborers at the bottom, the middle managers there mostly to blunt the top from having to deal with the bottom, and then the elite caste at the top that enjoys fabulous wealth and privilege at the expense of the many.I
Urban cities are the most acute expression of the global concentration camp, with millions of people packed into a tiny space to serve as a continuous stock of labor for the global elite psychopaths.
The other key to understand here is that our shift away from living in harmony with nature has coincided with the enactment of the national and global camp. I believe that not living in natural, forested environments damages us and separates us from reality in a more profound way than one may realize.
My hope is that as the Q plan continues to unravel, we can start to move away from a world of such monotonous tedium, and toward a world where kids truly can fulfill their dreams.
P.S. Here is a fantastic clip from the excellent film 'My Dinner with Andre' that puts this into different words. https://youtu.be/MRBZDmf1jSw?si=cnJ3KV8PwMXdx0TH
2 Cor. 4:4 New International Version The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.