Relevant topic, interesting essay fodder and once you get past the saturation of WW2 orthodoxy that normie historians can never escape, probably a worthwhile contribution to the corpus.
However, Niall Ferguson is yet another intellectual grifter using a substantial platform to make his own safe, Overton Window noises during the most tumultuous, consequential and destructive era of his life. Cut from the same zero-self-awareness cloth as Jordan Peterson et al, blissfully unaware of or wilfully blind to the fact they are living smack bang in the middle of a world war and eugenicist Holocaust while indulging adjacent, fringe and even frivolous commentary about “woke” and occasionally prior wars and Holocausts...
Heck, Peterson, the self-appointed expert on tyranny and totalitarianism via the rise of woke ideology (he wrote the foreword to the re-release of Gulag Archipelago, FFS!) who then folded like a wet paper tiger when actual modern globally coordinated fascism hit the so-called liberal West. And Ferguson, who grifts and shills about every historical atrocity except ones happening on his watch right under his nose via the scamdemic, lockdowns, toxic injectables, managed economic collapse, destruction of human rights and national sovereignty etc. He even alludes to it in the article: “For some, Hitler’s antisemitism was therefore—not unlike woke intersectionality in our own time—a career opportunity…”
“By their omissions and silences we will know them, not by what they say, think or do.” Anon.
Relevant topic, interesting essay fodder and once you get past the saturation of WW2 orthodoxy that normie historians can never escape, probably a worthwhile contribution to the corpus.
However, Niall Ferguson is yet another intellectual grifter using a substantial platform to make his own safe, Overton Window noises during the most tumultuous, consequential and destructive era of his life. Cut from the same zero-self-awareness cloth as Jordan Peterson et al, blissfully unaware of or wilfully blind to the fact they are living smack bang in the middle of a world war and eugenicist Holocaust while indulging adjacent, fringe and even frivolous commentary about “woke” and occasionally prior wars and Holocausts...
Heck, Peterson, the self-appointed expert on tyranny and totalitarianism via the rise of woke ideology (he wrote the foreword to the re-release of Gulag Archipelago, FFS!) who then folded like a wet paper tiger when actual modern globally coordinated fascism hit the so-called liberal West. And Ferguson, who grifts and shills about every historical atrocity except ones happening on his watch right under his nose via the scamdemic, lockdowns, toxic injectables, managed economic collapse, destruction of human rights and national sovereignty etc. He even alludes to it in the article: “For some, Hitler’s antisemitism was therefore—not unlike woke intersectionality in our own time—a career opportunity…”
“By their omissions and silences we will know them, not by what they say, think or do.” Anon.