I am wondering about this move. What when in certain states this thing is emulated, en no viable road to 271 votes seemingly remains...
What then?
By then you'd have to have the Mil capable of meeting the requirements of the need then existing.
And then something else ..... Biden is president of a bankrupt entity ....The franchises thereof therefor also meet that same criterion? How do you salvage good things from a deteriorating situation? How is that done in business?
I am wondering about this move. What when in certain states this thing is emulated, en no viable road to 271 votes seemingly remains...
What then?
By then you'd have to have the Mil capable of meeting the requirements of the need then existing.
And then something else ..... Biden is president of a bankrupt entity ....The franchises thereof therefor also meet that same criterion? How do you salvage good things from a deteriorating situation? How is that done in business?