199 VIVA FREI: (I've FFWD'd it to the relevant part, ugh) THE COLORADO TRUMP RULING IS ABSOLUTE DOG $#!+. THE RULING LITERALLY SETS IT UP FOR THE SUPREME COURT TO HAMMER IT DOWN INTO DUST. "It's an illusory, bullshit, partisan, corrupt, hackery of a decision with absolutely no practical consequence" (youtu.be) - N C S W I C - posted 1 year ago by catsfive 1 year ago by catsfive +199 / -0 33 comments share 33 comments share save hide report block hide replies
He doesn't even have to WIN the Appeal, just Make it....
Yeah, Word Games, Deluxe Version, just like the 14th Amendment....
good point
The CO decision has a self-destructing mechanism. They knew that and did it on purpose. To what end? Chaos, propaganda so the news can besmirch Trump for "insurrection" BLAH BLAH BLAH.
I'm thinking Publicity, Fame, see their own Names in the News Paper and on TV....
Maybe get on MSNBC for an Interview or something....
Otherwise, they're just ""Make Work"" Printing up paperwork for the sake of Printing Paperwork....
""Hey Coloradoans, look how busy we are"".....
Teehee, teehee....