Mhm, I to raised my Right hand and made the exact same pledge....
But I'm Infantry, and one of the absolute Scariest moments of My Entire life was standing at the Front Gates of my Fort, and pointing a Fully loaded M-16 at a Rowdy Rioting Crowd shaking the gates....
I wasn't at all scared for My Life, but for theirs, I never want to be put in a position where I have to Kill any of our own....
Look, when it comes to Justice, and even War, the Gears and Wheels move very slowly, and it has to be that way until it's time to not be that way....
As an NCO, I had Maps of any terrain I was Attacking or Guarding, get my people Set up Quickly, have their Firing lanes done Quickly, then, it's time to wait....
In an Attack situation, I had to consider ALL possible angles of attack, easiest to hardest, Fastest to slowest, Most open to most closed, then come up with an actual DO-able Attack for my Squad to carry out, and that might give them the largest advantage in overwhelming the Enemy, while forcing the Enemy into a position where they might shoot their own people by accident....
The Communists and the DS are NEVER going to show up at Your Doorstep, nor Mine, they have their Hands full of problems, mostly Emergencies and Fash fires they have to put out long before they can make a major Move like ""Collecting Guns"" from people who will probably Send one or two or more of them straight to hell all in the process of delivering Pain and suffering....
I just have to say, don't look at Americans as Lazy, Soft, Weak, or unprepared, they are none of those things, and IF the DS comes, they'll think Twice about coming again, and IF they do, many will quit because their Ranks will have gotten SMALLER....
IF the Commies try to pull some stupid shit, well FAFO is applicable, and if they don't learn from the First run, they might not go home from their Second Run....
Assuming we are speaking about the same people, GS = Govt, and Commies = ANTIFA + Friends....
Mhm, I to raised my Right hand and made the exact same pledge....
But I'm Infantry, and one of the absolute Scariest moments of My Entire life was standing at the Front Gates of my Fort, and pointing a Fully loaded M-16 at a Rowdy Rioting Crowd shaking the gates....
I wasn't at all scared for My Life, but for theirs, I never want to be put in a position where I have to Kill any of our own....
Look, when it comes to Justice, and even War, the Gears and Wheels move very slowly, and it has to be that way until it's time to not be that way....
As an NCO, I had Maps of any terrain I was Attacking or Guarding, get my people Set up Quickly, have their Firing lanes done Quickly, then, it's time to wait....
In an Attack situation, I had to consider ALL possible angles of attack, easiest to hardest, Fastest to slowest, Most open to most closed, then come up with an actual DO-able Attack for my Squad to carry out, and that might give them the largest advantage in overwhelming the Enemy, while forcing the Enemy into a position where they might shoot their own people by accident....
The Communists and the DS are NEVER going to show up at Your Doorstep, nor Mine, they have their Hands full of problems, mostly Emergencies and Fash fires they have to put out long before they can make a major Move like ""Collecting Guns"" from people who will probably Send one or two or more of them straight to hell all in the process of delivering Pain and suffering....
I just have to say, don't look at Americans as Lazy, Soft, Weak, or unprepared, they are none of those things, and IF the DS comes, they'll think Twice about coming again, and IF they do, many will quit because their Ranks will have gotten SMALLER....
IF the Commies try to pull some stupid shit, well FAFO is applicable, and if they don't learn from the First run, they might not go home from their Second Run....
Assuming we are speaking about the same people, GS = Govt, and Commies = ANTIFA + Friends....
Yes, to the Above, Thank you my brother SHEEEPDOG, we will be waiting for the Wolf as time goes on!