The subliminal message he sent was: "I can/want to take care of you." This is a great message when a woman is looking for a man. If he can't take care of you, what use is he when you are pregnant, or have lots of kids, or whenever a woman is in a vulnerable state. This guy gets it! It's not about having a fancy expensive car, it's about what HE will gladly do for YOU. You are not meant to be taking care of him, but HE must show he can take care of YOU. Women, you get NO, or NEGATIVE points when you start throwing YOUR credit card down. If he like this, run for the hills. He is probably a controller or a narcissist!
The subliminal message he sent was: "I can/want to take care of you." This is a great message when a woman is looking for a man. If he can't take care of you, what use is he when you are pregnant, or have lots of kids, or whenever a woman is in a vulnerable state. This guy gets it! It's not about having a fancy expensive car, it's about what HE will gladly do for YOU. You are not meant to be taking care of him, but HE must show he can take care of YOU. Women, you get NO, or NEGATIVE points when you start throwing YOUR credit card down. If he like this, run for the hills. He is probably a controller or a narcissist!