Just as an aside to this, the very recent of Quaker Oats products (bars, cereal) because of "salmonella" that they have no reports of people getting "salmonell", like the "common cold" now cause clots, the symptoms of "salmonella" which used to be mostly gastro, include: arthritis (and assorted skeletal/muscular diseases), endocarditis, aneurysm. Sounds like a cover up of the Covid shot side effects.
Just as an aside to this, the very recent of Quaker Oats products (bars, cereal) because of "salmonella" that they have no reports of people getting "salmonell", like the "common cold" now cause clots, the symptoms of "salmonella" which used to be mostly gastro, include: arthritis (and assorted skeletal/muscular diseases), endocarditis, aneurysm. Sounds like a cover up of the Covid shot side effects.