so they're not our agreements just like the US govt debt isn't our debt to pay - since we aren't the ones that made the purchases or the agreements.. like.. none of it is our debt to owe and none of it makes us contractually liable for anything
The only contract I care about is the US Constitution.. all others outside of it are null and void.
so they're not our agreements just like the US govt debt isn't our debt to pay - since we aren't the ones that made the purchases or the agreements.. like.. none of it is our debt to owe and none of it makes us contractually liable for anything
The only contract I care about is the US Constitution.. all others outside of it are null and void.
i don't disagree, but its our blood that was promised.
doesn't matter whether or not we respect the agreement - they will
so what.. I haven't seen them do anything..
you've seen them pit the young men of all the nations of the world against each other.
all while wearing their symbols.
spilling their blood on the chosen grounds, marked by insignia... all of them willing to die. the willingness is key.
war is ritual sacrifice. the same hand is always in the middle, funding both sides.
this is part of what we are awakening to. so that we can end it.
ya I'm not gonna facilitate that waste