I noticed the moment Lin turned and was using hyper-religious language against big names on our side. Notably, he did not use such language until he made this turn. Before he started attacking our own, I had no idea he even identified as a Christian.
I am a Christian, but I did not for one second believe Lin Wood's hateful screeds, no matter how much he couched them in religious language.
And WHO knows the HEART of a Man. ONLY GOD. AND GOD IS PATIENT. AND GOD IS KIND. AND UNLESS WE LEARN TO LOVE the Bible says we are nothing but a loud irritating noise. Maybe WE SHOULD ALL HEED THIS SCRIPTURE. I know I qualify as one who should take it more seriously. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL.
I noticed the moment Lin turned and was using hyper-religious language against big names on our side. Notably, he did not use such language until he made this turn. Before he started attacking our own, I had no idea he even identified as a Christian.
I am a Christian, but I did not for one second believe Lin Wood's hateful screeds, no matter how much he couched them in religious language.
And WHO knows the HEART of a Man. ONLY GOD. AND GOD IS PATIENT. AND GOD IS KIND. AND UNLESS WE LEARN TO LOVE the Bible says we are nothing but a loud irritating noise. Maybe WE SHOULD ALL HEED THIS SCRIPTURE. I know I qualify as one who should take it more seriously. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL.
Merry Christmas!