60 Peter Sweden-EU: THROWS AWAY 215 Million Covid Vaccines (www.thegatewaypundit.com) posted 1 year ago by brain_dead 1 year ago by brain_dead +60 / -0 Peter Sweden-EU: THROWS AWAY 215 Million Covid Vaccines | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor This article was written by Swedish independent journalist Peter Imanuelsen, also known as PeterSweden. 8 comments share 8 comments share save hide report block hide replies
They bought enough to give each person 9 shots.
We won.
Amen. People are pushing back.
Q. How do they " throw away " this poison. Does it get incinerated or is it resold somewhere else?
Dump into the water. Just joking. I don't know.
It is incinerated. mRNA is not very stable outside of its lipid nanoparticle jacket. It is basically kept inside of tiny fat bubbles. The incinerator will make short work of it.
Good. Nice to hear.
by " throw away " i hope they incinerated them, you don't want all that toxic dogshit floating around in the ground water.
I hope they dispose safely. Landfills would be full of bluetooth signals.