The funny thing is anyone who keeps hollering about "our democracy" should right off be disqualified from office. Basically it means they don't acknowledge the constitution as the leading law of the land. The leftists want that pesky constitution gone. Diff btw democracy vs republic:
"The crucial distinction lies in the role of the constitution: in a constitutional republic, it acts as a fundamental law that limits the government's power and protects individual rights, while in a democracy, decisions are more directly influenced by the majority without the same constitutional constraints."
And, since the left is not the majority they have to steal elections and install their puppets. They've been at this a longtime.
The funny thing is anyone who keeps hollering about "our democracy" should right off be disqualified from office. Basically it means they don't acknowledge the constitution as the leading law of the land. The leftists want that pesky constitution gone. Diff btw democracy vs republic:
"The crucial distinction lies in the role of the constitution: in a constitutional republic, it acts as a fundamental law that limits the government's power and protects individual rights, while in a democracy, decisions are more directly influenced by the majority without the same constitutional constraints."
And, since the left is not the majority they have to steal elections and install their puppets. They've been at this a longtime.