Post far and wide--Study shows that lib activists are narcissists who are attracted to it because of "dark ego tendencies," and a need to dominate.
🧠 These people are stupid!
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If the normals ever learn to recognize narcissists and sociopaths/psychopaths, and understand that you will encounter these people in every aspect and every level of life - and that you absolutely CANNOT allow them to be in charge of anything - that's when things will change. Change forever, change for good.
That could be the real Great Awakening. These nutcases get away with this because they're smart and charismatic and play on the guilt of the normals. The normals keep thinking they can appease the sociopaths with kindness and understanding and don't get why things only get worse and worse and worse.
When the normals finally understand that these are people with no conscience and there is nothing you can do to change them, THAT is when things get better in a big way.