I am am unvaccinated and anti vax. But I'm curious about this. I have seen various estimates claiming that deaths among the death are up from 75% to 1000%. As insurance rates tend to be based mostly on the probabilities of health expenses, shouldn't we be expecting the amount we pay for insurance rates to go through the roof already?
Does it more than 2 years to reassess risks? Are governments secretly subsidizing these industries? What are your thoughts regarding this?
edit: cancer is particularly one health risk that is reported to have greatly increased. Cancer treatment is one of the most expensive medical costs, and I think we would see a change in insurance premiums if it has gone up as much as some are reporting.
The actuaries don’t lie. I did a quick look at life And health insurance stocks and didn’t see any general downward trend. At some points, the statistics will catch up with revenues. And at some point, the shareholders will demand an explanation. There is only one explanation.